Conservative Party Could Have Helped “Super Committee”

    Although the Conservative Party congratulated the GOP and the Tea Party for giving Obama and the Democrats a shellacking last November, we’re finding little to cheer about this November.  The Debt Ceiling fiasco was… well... a fiasco and Congress still has not enacted a budget in nearly 1,000 days.
    The Super Committee is proof positive of only one thing: It proves the Republi-Dem Congress and the Administration have failed to govern – again.  They shifted the burden and responsibility of making the needed tough fiscal decisions to this Committee.  The President has failed to lead and the Republi-Dem congress is as inept, hamstrung and wracked with fear as ever. The consequences of this Committee’s failure to reach an agreement will be dire, especially on our Defense readiness.  And trying to insert a surreptitious farm subsidy bill into this new arrangement exemplifies “business as usual” rather than true fiscal reform.
    Since Congress failed - again, CP-USA offers a Cost-Cutting Road Map. While adopting these solutions will not cure all our fiscal problems immediately, they will staunch the bleeding, slow the mounting debt and get Congress moving in the right direction.  The GOP has no choice but to finally do what it has promised Americans for the past 25 years.  They have this one, last and final chance.  If they fail – again – the GOP will confirm that it’s finished as a viable party.
    STEP 1 of 13 - STOP BASE LINE BUDGETING: This pernicious accounting gimmick requires budgets to automatically increase by 10% every year. The net effect is that even if Congress “cuts” a program by 4%, for example, actual spending still increases by 6%. The “cut” is an illusion while the increase is real. It will be impossible to make meaningful budget reforms until this institutional deception is expunged.
    Source: e-letter from CP-USA (Conservative Party)
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