The Occupy London Movement

    The reason that you feel disenfranchised is that all 3 political parties in the UK are the same....see Anticorporate Manifesto for an article that describes the way forward.

    What is the "Occupy London" movement about? It is about obscene wages, lack
    of jobs, lack of society, no vision of the future, money above love.

    Why can't we voice a path towards our objectives? It is because we have been told that ideas such as Globalization and the consequent free movement of capital and labour are inevitable, good ideas.

    The "occupy" movements only make sense if they are anti-globalisation movements.It is Globalisation that IS international terrorism and crusades against the Middle East (See Norway, 9-11, 7-7, Madrid, Iraq..). Globalisation IS the overpaid bankers and directors floating to the top of international society, it IS the replacement of local cultures with the plastic sights and sounds of world commerce. Corporatism plus globalisation is the problem.

    Why are we paralysed? We are paralysed because if you believe in Globalization you cannot fully regulate the banks because capital and banks will move elsewhere and with the free movement of labour you cannot limit top salaries - the rich will just move. If you believe in Globalisation you cannot have a vibrant national culture - there is only international mediocracy and you cannot truly be Green.  The current economic slump is due to globalisation but no one bothers to look at the data because they are believers.  Our paralysis is due to our beliefs being out of step with our own reality.  We have second hand beliefs fed to us by the governing classes. We have been convinced by the media that Globalisation is almost "holy" when it is itself the problems we are confronting.

    Globalisation is not inevitable. It was tried in the 1920s and abandoned because it caused the 1930s Depression/Great Depression. (See Globalisation and Great Depressions). Globalisation is where rich corporations and on-the-make apparatchiks get together to carve up the world between themselves.Globalisation does not just destroy society, it destroys the world itself.(See Globalisation and global warming).

    The only way to construct a secure and Green World is for each nation to be charged with taking care of its own economy, environment and people. If a nation is short on resources it should strive to substitute local renewables, if it is short of labour it should automate and organise, if it has social unrest it should struggle for a united society.  There should be international law to regulate the relations between states and this is the role of the UN but the UN should not have the right to intervene within nations unless those nations break international laws such as expelling refugees into neighbouring countries or attacking other countries.  Nations are the unit of diversity and this must be respected. (See International Law versus Globalisation).

    The mantra that our problems can only be solved at an international level is an outright lie spread by the Globalising Tendency in the media. The truth is that with the present global regulation of trade and investment our problems can only be addressed at an international level but the international level does not have the solutions.  The solutions lie at the national level with each state tackling its own problems in its own way.

    You will find that the paralysis stems from people who think "Globalisation, free labour movement, multiculturalism" being confronted with the greed and social conflict these ideas create.  You cannot stop greed unless you confine the greedy to your nation's economic system, you cannot stop social conflict if you nurture widely opposing ideas of how life should be lived in a single nation, nations are the Western unit of diversity, not tribes.

    It was the fear of further war that led to the current round of Globalisation. Wars can be stopped by nations agreeing to international laws that govern their relations, we do not need to create a world of tribes within a single mega state.

    If you want change, get rid of your support for Globalization, take action to create a world of nations, each with their respected, diverse cultures living in peace under International Law.

    The reason that you feel disenfranchised is that all 3 political parties in the UK are the same, they are all part of the Globalising Tendency. Worse still, you are probably a supporter yourself even though it is obvious that a world run from New York or Brussels cannot possibly take into account the democratic desires of people living in such disparate places as Greece, India and England, cannot possibly look after nature in you back yard and will create a single world economy that will collapse all too easily.


    See this link for an article that describes what needs to be done.

    Could the credit crunch have been foreseen?

    The London Riots and the Mediocracy

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