The Real News: Israel Divided Over Plan to Attack Iran

Pipeline Politics and the Rewiring of Eurasia

‘The Video That Newt Doesn’t Want You to See’

    150-second online ad cross-examines the former Speaker’s record on policy, values and seriousness
    LAKE JACKSON, Texas – The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today that it has released and will broadly distribute a 150-second online advertisement that challenges former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on a group of issues dear to conservative voters.
    Much of the ad is in the former Speaker’s own voice, and after a few statements by Newt it follows with an image of him sitting on a loveseat beside former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the two chuckling over their agreement concerning as-yet scientifically proven anthropogenic global warming.  The ad also features Newt’s knee-jerk assault on Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) modest budget proposal, and the former Speaker’s lobbying ties to government mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae that perpetuated the financial crisis and recession.  In addition, the spot showcases discussion of Newt’s lobbying ties to healthcare firms prior to his support of an Obama-Pelosi-Reid individual mandate as part of the recent wildly unpopular healthcare reform, to the absolute horror of nationally-syndicated conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh.
    Taken together, claims made in the ad present conservative voters with a question about Newt, and indeed the ad concludes with this query.  And that is “What will you tell me next time?”
    The campaign will send the ad to a far-reaching email list of conservative voters nationally, including in key early voting states, and it will purchase banner ads on national and state websites where conservative readers congregate.
    “Our campaign is making a bold move to debunk the myth that the Newt we are seeing on the 2012 campaign trail is the conservative he has been touted to be all along.  This step we are taking is necessary, as voters are seeking authenticity among conservatives who are able to show a decades-long career of consistently walking the walk of Constitutional principles, limited government, and promoting sound money and economic policy.  Ron Paul is the only Republican presidential candidate with that record,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

    Video source: Ron Paul campaign
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Ron Paul Top-Tier in Latest Rasmussen New Hampshire Poll

    Enjoying solid support with Granite State voters
    LAKE JACKSON, Texas – A Rasmussen poll released yesterday shows 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul third place in New Hampshire, further solidifying his position at the top of the field among New Hampshire primary voters. Paul won 14 percent of likely primary-goers in the poll.
    “The latest poll results show Ron Paul as a solid choice in New Hampshire and a refreshing voice against the status quo,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. “The American people, and the people of New Hampshire, are paying attention and are ready for a candidate with the conviction to bring about real change.”
    The latest poll follows a number of recent polls placing Paul among the top three in key early states. According to NewsMax/Insider Advantage, Ron Paul is a solid second place in Iowa. And in a recent American Research Group poll, Paul took third among likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers. He also scores third place in New Hampshire, according to a recent WMUR/University of New Hampshire poll. And the most recent Suffolk University/7 News poll has Paul holding steady in second place with 14 percent among likely New Hampshire primary voters.
    In addition, a late October CNN/Time poll showed the Texas congressman in the top three in the key Republican primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.
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Libertarian Party: Building & 40th anniversary celebration!

    Dear Friend of Liberty,
    I want to thank all 328 donors who have given or pledged a total of $201,219. Of that total, $111,644 has been collected and $89,575 is in the form of pledges to be collected later.
    At this point, we have not committed to a specific property to purchase, or too a specific time to make a purchase. We plan to continue raising funds so we'll have more for a down payment.
    My goal was to raise $248,000 by our December 10 LNC board meeting in Las Vegas.
    Please make a donation as soon as possible to help us reach my December 10 goal of $248,000.
    Also, on the evening of Saturday, December 10, in Las Vegas, the Libertarian Party is hosting our 40th Anniversary celebration.
    The event is a celebration of 40 years of Libertarian Party activism. (The LP was founded on December 11, 1971.) It's also a tribute to the late David F. Nolan, one of the LP's founders.
    When:   Saturday, December 10th, 2011 from 7-10 pm
    Where:   Veranda Room of the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa, 11011 W. Charleston, Las Vegas, NV 89135
    Cost:   $40.00 per person includes a wonderful all you can eat BBQ buffet
    RSVP:   Please RSVP to with number of guests.
    Proceeds to benefit the David F. Nolan Memorial Building Fund for the purchase of our new Libertarian Party Headquarters.
    If you are unable to attend and wish to contribute, please click here to donate or send a check to:
    Libertarian Party
    2600 Virginia Ave NW, Suite 200
    Washington, DC 20037
    Attn: Building Fund
    In Liberty,
    Mark Hinkle
    LNC Chair
    P.S.  If you have not already done so, please join the Libertarian Party. We are the only political party dedicated to free markets, civil liberties, and peace. You can also renew your membership. Or, you can make a contribution separate from membership.
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Conservative Party Could Have Helped “Super Committee”

    Although the Conservative Party congratulated the GOP and the Tea Party for giving Obama and the Democrats a shellacking last November, we’re finding little to cheer about this November.  The Debt Ceiling fiasco was… well... a fiasco and Congress still has not enacted a budget in nearly 1,000 days.
    The Super Committee is proof positive of only one thing: It proves the Republi-Dem Congress and the Administration have failed to govern – again.  They shifted the burden and responsibility of making the needed tough fiscal decisions to this Committee.  The President has failed to lead and the Republi-Dem congress is as inept, hamstrung and wracked with fear as ever. The consequences of this Committee’s failure to reach an agreement will be dire, especially on our Defense readiness.  And trying to insert a surreptitious farm subsidy bill into this new arrangement exemplifies “business as usual” rather than true fiscal reform.
    Since Congress failed - again, CP-USA offers a Cost-Cutting Road Map. While adopting these solutions will not cure all our fiscal problems immediately, they will staunch the bleeding, slow the mounting debt and get Congress moving in the right direction.  The GOP has no choice but to finally do what it has promised Americans for the past 25 years.  They have this one, last and final chance.  If they fail – again – the GOP will confirm that it’s finished as a viable party.
    STEP 1 of 13 - STOP BASE LINE BUDGETING: This pernicious accounting gimmick requires budgets to automatically increase by 10% every year. The net effect is that even if Congress “cuts” a program by 4%, for example, actual spending still increases by 6%. The “cut” is an illusion while the increase is real. It will be impossible to make meaningful budget reforms until this institutional deception is expunged.
    Source: e-letter from CP-USA (Conservative Party)
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Action Required to Save Unemployme​nt Benefits

    Right off the bat, let's get something done: Sign The Petition to reauthorize the full federal unemployment insurance program through 2012 before it expires Dec. 31. Unless Congress acts to renew federal unemployment insurance, nearly 2 million hardworking Americans will be cut off in the month of January alone, and more than 6 million will lose these benefits during 2012. The AFL-CIO is delivering the petition to Congress this afternoon, so please sign now!
    Job Creation
    Would you like another story from the many actions taken on November 17th for infrastructure jobs? This one is from the People's World, focusing on Baltimore, MD. Speaking of job creation, even the Wall Street Journal doesn't think regulation hurts job creation - in fact, it helps it. Read the article here.
    December 1st Actions
    All across the nation, on Thursday 12/1/11, there will be hundreds of "99% Congressional Speak-Outs" at local congressional  offices to express our disgust that Washington has done nothing for the  struggling majority. Click here to find the MoveOn event near you.
    Also, in New York City on December 1 there will be a March for Jobs and Economic Fairness sponsored by the AFL-CIO and the NYC Central Labor Council. If you're near the Big Apple, please join in!
    In solidarity,            

    Scott Marshall
    Labor Chair, CPUSA

    Source: e-letter from CPUSASource URL:
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'Wajar Syahrini Ganti Gaya Kayak Victoria Beckham' - Jakarta Jambul khatulistiwa dan penampilan Syahrini saat menyambut David Beckham menjadi buah bibir masayarakat luas. Tak sedikit yang iri bahkan mencibir penampilan Syahrini karena dianggap meniru gaya istri sang bintang, Victoria Adams.

    Namun vokalis band 'Element', Ferdy Taher menganggap penampilan Syahrini itu sebagai hal yang wajar. Menurutnya sah-sah saja jika Syahrini ingin bergaya seperti Victoria.

    "Kalau Syahrini kepengin ganti gaya jadi seperti Victoria Beckham ya sah-sah aja, asal jangan namanya aja yang ganti jadi Victoria ," nilainya saat ditemui di Fx Cone, Senayan, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (30/11/2011).

    Meski banyak banyak artis-artis yang menyindir Syahrini, Ferdy tetap menilai apa yang dilakukan mantan teman duet Anang itu masih bisa dimaklumi. Ia bahkan memuji jambul khatulistiwa milikSyahrini yang akhir-akhir ini menjadi gunjingan masyarakat.

    "Dia ingin tampil menarik menurut gue sah-sah aja, atau yang lagi dibicarakan soal jambul ya bagus-bagus aja mungkin itu kan bisa saja menjadi ciri khas dia. Jadi nggak usah dipusingin," katanya.

    "Kalau ada kesempatan untuk bisa bertemu Beckham ya pasti sama kayak Syahrini, bakal dandan habis-habisan. Dia ingin tampil menarik menurut gue sah-sah aja lah," tambahnya.

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CunninLynguists - "Get Ignorant"

Gen. Hamid Gul: The Sum of All Fears

Economic 9/11

    Gerald Celente tells of his experience with MF Global. He also alerts us that MF stands for something quite unmentionable on a Christian lady's blog. Gerald used to be on the mainstream talk circuit (Oprah, CNN, etc) talking about upcoming trends. When the trends forecasting got too scary, they stopped asking him on.

    Wise people know their history and how it repeats.

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Praktek Mesum Terselubung di Sebuah Pangkalan Becak (Kamera Tersembunyi)

    Nafsu itu buta, tak kenal tempat tak kenal jenis yang penting terlampiaskan, benar benar nafsu binatang sampai sampai tak peduli seekor ayampun diembat dan disodomi, lebih lebih tempatnya di keramaian di tepi jalan raya yang bisa kemungkinan dilihat orang banyak. Tak ada yang mengira kejadian mesum ini terjadi disebuah pangkalan becak di tepian jalan. Malang nasip unggas betina ini jadi bulan bulanan pelampiasan nafsu Mr Dg yang nafsunya dah di ubun-ubun. Dasar Anjing!!! :D
    Praktek mesum terselubung di pangkalan becak
    Praktek mesum terselubung di pangkalan becak
    Praktek Mesum Terselubung di Sebuah Pangkalan Becak Tepi Jalan
    Praktek Mesum Terselubung di Sebuah Pangkalan Becak Tepi Jalan
    Praktek Mesum Terselubung di Sebuah Pangkalan Becak Tepi Jalan
    Praktek Mesum Terselubung di Sebuah Pangkalan Becak Tepi Jalan

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Istri 'Jual' Suami di Craigslist Gara-gara Gila Video Game - Karena kebanyakan bermain game, Modern Warfare, seorang perempuan bernama Alyse Baddley (21) memasang iklan di Craigslist dengan bermaksud menjualnya. Sang suami yang bernama Kyle Baddley (22) tentu saja tidak tahu tindakan sang istri tersebut.

    Dilansir ABC News, Selasa (23/11/2011), Alyse frustasi karena suaminya tidak peduli dengan dirinya dan lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan video game. " Saya akan menjual anakmu di Craigslist," demikian kata Alyse kepada ibu mertuanya. Tak disangka sang ibu mertua menjawab," oh, silakan saja".

    Alyse yang tinggal di Logan, Utah, Amerika Serikat (AS) kemudian memberikan tawaran ia rela menukar sang suami dengan "suasana rumah yang nyaman".

    "Kyle suka makan dan sangat senang bermain video game sepanjang hari. Ia sangat mudah dirawat, hanya beri makan dan air setiap 3-5 jam sekali," demikian bunyi iklan tersebut. Ia menambahkan, si penawar harus memiliki internet dan waktu untuk bermain game.

    Namun, Alyse tak menyangka akan mendapatkan respon yang luar biasa. Kebanyakan dari mereka memberikan respon humor bahkan ada perempuan yang rela memberikan pelatihan ke Kyle dan akan mengembalikannya. Lebih lucu, ada pria yang mau menjadi suami Alyse untuk ditukar dengan Kyle, sangat suka membaca daripada bermain game.

    Namun Alyse, yang menikahi Kyle pada tahun 2010 sebelum ditugaskan ke Afganistan, mengaku hanya bercanda saja. "Saya sangat mencintai suami saya dan demikian pula dia adanya. Saya tidak pernah beroikir jika mereka akan membalas iklan ini. Saya kira ini sangat keren," katanya.Source URL:
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Traitors in Washington Are Putting A Flamethrower to The U.S. Constitution

    Photo by James Alex, an American artist.

    "The military-industrial complex, owned by the big banks, has hijacked America. I keep explaining this to people, and now it doesn't just want to dominate the Third World or the Middle East or Asia, or encircle other countries in Europe, it wants to dominate this country. And the military-industrial complex is a bunch of off-shore corporations. They run the red light cameras, they run the federalization of local police. They're just occupying America through NORTHCOM," said radio host Alex Jones on Russia Today on November 29, 2011.

    Alex was asked about Senate Bill 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which says that any American citizen or global citizen who opposes the global witch hunt against "terrorists" and the emerging global technocratic dictatorship will be held in jail without trial.

    The bill is important to talk about because it is a stunning indication of how far America has fallen under the current treacherous leadership, and points to the hellish homegrown dictatorship that the country is blindly marching towards. Americans classified as "homegrown terrorists" and "domestic extremists" won't just be detained and tortured by the nutcases in Washington, they will also be targeted for state execution.

    The precedent for assassinating an American citizen was set by Washington's shadow government not this year when Al-Qaeda patsy Al-Awlaki was killed, but on November 22, 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was murdered by CIA gunmen in Dallas.

    In the post-9/11 world, every American and every citizen of the world who stands up for the rights of the individual is demonized as a terrorist and a radicalized conspiracy theorist. And if a nation asserts its independence it is declared a rogue state by the mad leaders of the West.

    Indeed, the new world order dictatorship is not a conspiracy theory anymore. It is a fact of 21st century life and global politics. The language of Senate bill 1867 turns the whole world into a battlefield in which any one of us could become a potential victim of the genocidal madness of the Bankster Occupied Governments (BOGs) in Washington, London, Paris, Ottawa, Berlin, Tel Aviv, and other capitals around the world.

    This little treacherous creature, and these two other traitors, are the strongest supporters of NDAA. They love the fact that the bill is so anti-American and anti-human.

    Every senator who votes for the bill will be exposed as an anti-American soulless scum who wishes to sign away the future of America and the freedoms of the American people.

    In a Washington Post Op-Ed on Sunday, November 27, the co-sponsors of the treasonous bill, (T) John McCain and (T) Carl Levin, who chair the Senate Armed Services Committee, defended the bill by using the brave and heroic martyrs of the American military as political cover for their evil political program:
    Congress has passed a defense authorization bill every year for five decades. This year’s bill includes pay raises for our troops, funding for equipment to protect them from roadside bombs, and medical care and other benefits for them and their families. It would be extremely unfortunate if disagreements over these detainee provisions prevented us from passing this bill and fulfilling those duties. But it would be tragic if this happened because of misunderstandings about what the bill says and does.
    What the bill says now can be reinterpreted and twisted to apply to future conditions. As Alex Jones pointed out in the interview on Russia Today, the dictatorial powers of the bill will be used against American citizens who want to take back their country from the banksters, not shadowy Al-Qaeda terrorists who are on the payroll of the shadow CIA.

    In an Infowars Nightly News Report on Monday, November 28, Alex highlighted the most monstrous and shocking parts of the bill, and said that it signifies the rise of NORTHCOM in the United States.

    NORTHCOM, following in the footsteps of CENTCOM and AFRICOM, will be used to spread terror in the hearts and minds of the North American population.

    The masters of terror who did the 9/11 attacks will commit more acts of state terrorism to maintain control of their brutal and evil system.

    The Bankster Occupied Governments that live on terror will not give people anywhere the chance to breathe and reflect on the chaos that they are engineering in the world. They want people to silently submit to their fate of perpetual slavery and mass death.

    And millions of slave-minded people will bow down to the mad government architects of global destruction and global terror because they don't want to see the full horror of what they have passively accepted for a decade.

    But those of us who love honor and bravery must have the spirit and determination to defeat these monsters. We are stuck at the bottom of this hell, but this is not our collective fate. We can decide our own destiny and chart a new course in human history.

    For the time being, however, we must embrace the suck, as Marines say, until we find a way to reach to the surface of freedom and hope.
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CunninLynguists - Gun

    "Show us your hands and show us the plans
    The weapon's biological so show us the cans
    We got a tip from snitches for ballistic positions
    Don't wanna listen? We putting these missile tips in ya kitchen
    We got the ether for Haditha, the sutures for Fallujah
    State police force suits and boots is in ya future
    Won't loosen the nooses, put ya dick in the ground
    Chief of police is tired of all this Roving and Dicking around
    Goose chasin like ridiculous clowns
    But the American public's lustin an evil puppet so fuck it" - Kno.Source URL:
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Ron Paul’s Mainstream Foreign Policy

    Writes Conor Friedersdorf at The Atlantic:
    Remember when Paul belonged to the minority in Congress that opposed the Iraq War? Now, 62 percent of Americans say fighting the Iraq war was a mistake. You know the Republicans who criticized President Obama for presiding over the end of America’s military presence in Iraq? Well, like Paul (and unlike Obama) 78 percent of Americans support full withdrawal. And in Afghanistan, another country that Paul wants to leave, two thirds of Americans want to see troop levels reduced. “Just one in three Americans believe fighting there is the right thing for the U.S. to do,” CBS News found, “while 57 percent think the U.S. should not be involved in Afghanistan.”
    Like Ron Paul, Americans are also overwhelmingly against bombing Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. And although I’ll bet he wants to cut the Pentagon budget more than the average American does, a majority of the public prefers defense cuts to other kinds, and as Rasmussen found earlier this year, “Nearly one-half of Americans now think the United States can make major cuts in defense spending without putting the country in danger. They believe even more strongly that there’s no risk in cutting way back on what America spends to defend other countries.”
    Comparing Paul’s positions to those of either the American people or foreign-affairs experts in the State Department and academia, it is clear that his views are closer to normal than most of his Republican opponents’… On the biggest, most consequential foreign policy issues, he is averse to war, as are his countrymen. It is only when they are compared to the views of the Washington establishment, where the Washington Post op-ed page, the Weekly Standard, and the American Enterprise Institute are regarded as mainstream institutions, that Paul’s foreign-policy views seem like the abnormal ones.
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VIDEO: White House Grilled on Obama Events in Swing States

    Excerpts from Washington Examiner
    By Joel Gehrke
    November 28, 2011
    “White House Press Secretary Jay Carney faced several questions about the high number of official, taxpayer funded events by President Obama in battleground states crucial to his reelection hopes, and defended Obama by arguing that presidential travel should not be restricted by the possibility that the state could plausibly support or oppose the incumbent's reelection.
    “Asked about reports that Obama is effectively campaigning on ‘the taxpayer's dime,’ Carney said he ‘reject[ed] the premise’ of the question. ‘If you…said 'the president of the United States cannot travel to states that are perceived to be battleground states,' you would severely limit the capacity of this president…to travel anywhere’…
    “‘It's a guessing-game to suggest that we know what states are battleground states necessarily’…
    “When a reporter challenged the idea that political benefit played no role in where Obama decided to travel, Carney maintained that ‘the decisions for official events are made for official reasons.’
    “You can see Carney field these questions in the video below.”

    Source: RNC. Video was included in original press release.
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What They’re Actually Saying: Romney’s Ad Deceitful, Dishonest, Manipulates the Truth

    By DNC Press
    The New Yorker
     .@RyanLizza on Romney's ad: If a journalist quoted someone in such a way, you'd never trust the person’s writing again:
    Ames Tribune: “Meanwhile, GOP contender Mitt Romney has just debuted a television ad that also deceives viewers about something the president said during the 2008 presidential campaign…This is dishonest, and it does not reflect the integrity that Romney is seeking to cultivate on the campaign trail.” (The Ames Tribune, 11/23/11)
    New York Daily News: “Mitt Romney’s greatest potential vulnerability, fair or fable, is the suspicion he’ll do or say anything to get himself elected President. Which is why his new ad in New Hampshire is such a boneheaded strategic move. It feeds that dangerous perception that has dogged Romney since the 2008 campaign. The new ad is a gross distortion of the truth.” (New York Daily News, 11/22/11)
    Washington Post: “This is a truly remarkable response. The Romney camp is explicitly saying it’s totally fair game to take an opponent’s words out of context in a way that completely changes their meaning, simply because the actual words in question did come out of the speaker’s mouth. As many have noted today, the Romney ad’s decontextualizing of Obama’s words is so egregious that it amounts to a lie. Yet here a Romney adviser is claiming that this is fair game, because he said those words.” (Washington Post, 11/22/11)
    New Yorker—Why Didn’t Reporters Call Romney a Liar? “While it’s always interesting and useful to report on how a campaign believes something is going to play out, it seems to me in this case the news that the quote in the ad is falsely attributed to Obama outweighs the news of the Romney campaign’s predictable spin.” (The New Yorker, 11/22/11)
    Esquire: “The ad is utterly dishonest but, luckily, the campaign already had in place a defense strategy for when the campaign got called on the ad's dishonesty, a campaign that musters all the self-pity and poor-widdle-rich-boy disdain that has made Willard so popular with 22 percent of the people who might actually vote for him.” (Esquire, 11/22/11)
    Think Progress: “The Romney campaign’s very first television ad, released this evening, dishonestly presents a 2008 McCain campaign quote as the words of President Obama. The ad features a voice-over of Obama saying ‘if we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.’ Then-candidate Obama indeed said those words, perhaps dozens of times during the closing month of the 2008 campaign. The only problem? Obama was actually quoting the words of a strategist from Sen. John McCain’s campaign.” (Think Progress, 11/21/11)
    Washington Monthly: ““[H]ow much more deception can Romney try to get away with before he develops a reputation as a candidate with an honesty problem? Last week, an MIT economist who worked with Romney said the former governor is ‘just lying’ about health care policy. The same week, Romney was caught lying about the makeup of the last Congress, and also got caught lying about a quote from the president… Three weeks ago, the former governor got caught lying about his tax plan, and several times over the last few months, Romney has also been caught lying about economic conditions and whether the president ‘apologized for America’ (he didn’t).” (Washington Monthly, 11/22/11)
    Associated Press: “Adwatch: Romney takes Obama out of context again:” “Romney's first ad of the presidential campaign takes Obama out of context and gives the impression that the president is talking about his time in office, not that of his predecessor.” (AP, 11/22/11)
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475 Million Pages a Year

    Yesterday President Obama signed a Presidential Memo instructing Federal agencies move into a digital-based record keeping system.
    The Federal Government creates 475 million pages of records a year-- digitizing these records will save money, promote accountability, and increase government transparency.
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Ron Paul Remains Top-Tier in Latest Iowa Poll

    Strong second, leads field in Independent vote
    LAKE JACKSON, Texas – A NewsMax/Insider Advantage poll released yesterday shows 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul in second place in the state of Iowa, solidifying his position at the top of the field and remaining a serious threat to take the Iowa Caucuses in January. Paul won 13 percent of likely caucus-goers in the poll and an impressive 30 percent of independent voters, leading the rest of the field. In addition, Paul won 47 percent of voters between 18 and 29 years old.
    “The latest poll results clearly prove Ron Paul’s status as a top contender, and confirms that our campaign is continuing to surge in early states,” said Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. “The American people are ready for real change in Washington and Dr. Paul is the only candidate who has a plan to cut $1 trillion in spending, balance the budget, and restore prosperity to the American people.”
    This latest poll comes on the heels of a number of recent polls placing Paul among the top three in key early states. According to a recent American Research Group poll, Paul takes third among likely Republican caucus-goers in Iowa. He also scores third place in New Hampshire, according to a recent WMUR/University of New Hampshire poll. And the most recent Suffolk University/7 News poll has Paul holding steady in second place with 14 percent among likely New Hampshire primary voters.
    In addition, a late October CNN/Time poll showed the Texas congressman in the top three in the key Republican primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.
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My Grandpa's English Book

    Working in the garage this weekend, I came across a book entitled Literature and Life: Book Three published in 1936, revised from a 1929 edition. It is a book on American literature. Each section features literary selections from a period in American history. There is a little historical background introduction prior to the selections to set the stage for the reader. My grandpa is currently 89 years old and graduated high school in 1940. This book was published by Scott, Foresman and Co, which is still a huge public school textbook publisher.

    So what? Well, remember that post awhile back about the Reece Committee? Do you remember what Attorney Kathryn Casey found when she was allowed to read the founding minutes of the Carnegie Foundation? What were their three objectives, can you remember without clicking the link? Ok, I'll go ahead and tell you: 

    1. Gain control of the State Department
    2. Transform public education
    3. Teach a "revised" form of American history, especially at the university level.

    We'll be focusing on the last two points. 

    Let's start with the three authors:

    • Dudley Miles - Head of English Department, Evander Childs High School, New York City. 

    Here is Dudley in his own words : Composition is Training in Thought, which appeared in The English Journal, a publication of the National Council of Teachers of English. This was a round table group founded in 1911, which is of course, liberal as all get out today. The whole goal was to "standardize" English instruction. Now some of you might be thinking I'm going a little overboard with the paranoia and the average person wouldn't see anything wrong with writing projects being used to hone the thought process. That is until you realize that the industrialists of the time were plotting how to gain control of the American schoolchildren's minds. Dr. Miles has written many articles and books on "how to" teach English. In the Jeffersonian education style, you just give the kid some great books and get them to respond to it. Take note of my homeschool guide tab, there is a list of books to get you started. But look at what 100 years of these 'teaching experts' have handed us: a nation full of idiots. 

    • Robert C. Pooley - Assistant Professor in the Teaching of English, University of Wisconsin

    Says English Teachers need more training
    Gave the 1963 Keynote address to the NCTE
    Didn't think underprepared writers should be admitted to his school, UW, but there should be lax standards elsewhere
    He headed up The Wisconsin Project, a federally funded 1964 english cirriuclum study.
    Are we getting the picture?

    UNC Chapel Hill

    • Edwin Greenlaw - Late William Osler Professor of English Literature, The John Hopkins University.

    From the UNC-Chapel Hill site:

     A distinguished scholar who studied Edmund Spenser, Greenlaw was among the first group of faculty chosen for Kenan professorships. 
    What is a Kenan professorship? This relates back to point three, in how the industrialists that set up their tax-exempt foundations for the purposes of socially engineering the population to accept central planning more easily.

    According to the John Hopkins website, a Kenan Professorship is described thusly:

    A North Carolina native, WILLIAM R. KENAN JR. traveled throughout the region to attend to his wide-ranging business interests in railroads, real estate, and the Standard Oil Company. After his death in 1965, the Kenan Trust sought to promote his strong interest in enhancing student-teacher relationships at prominent educational institutions through the creation of chairs in his memory.The WILLIAM R. KENAN JR. CHARITABLE TRUST has endowed more than 85 professorships at colleges and universities on the East Coast, including Johns Hopkins.
    What do you want to bet that those chosen for these "paid for" experts were just a little sympathetic to progressivism and internationalism? Now I want to make clear that the teachers using the books probably just skipped over the attempts of micromanagement of the curriculum and did what they'd been doing their whole careers - whatever it took to help their students succeed.  Charlotte Iserbyt has highlighted how the old-guard teachers were pushed out to make way for the "certified" teachers (read: indoctrinated teachers) to move in and actually read the scripts and accept the federal and state intrusions into what had once been a purely local endeavor. You don't have real representation when  a group of nine people are representing dozens of schools as is the case in some counties. Used to be each school had its own board. Decentralized government is more adaptive to the people, but isn't that the point? Isn't that what our "planners" work against?

    One thing I noticed in the book that was not to be found in earlier modes of instruction were the leading class discussions at the end of each selection. As if the teacher is too stupid to lead a class discussion, his/her thinking has already been done for them. Isn't that kind of our intellectually superior overlords? It was an after reading assignment with leading questions for my second grader that launched me into the home-school world, but that's a story for another day.

    This has been my little case study in where things started to go so wrong. I hate to speak in generalities and throw around terms like Elite when these people have names, histories and a past to explore and root out. I hope you've enjoyed this little journey that started with just an old textbook.
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Foto Mesra Syahrini dengan David Beckham

The Raw Milk Song

kelainan Cowok yang takut wanita cantik (Fobia cewek cantik)

    Wanita memang makhluk yang indah dan mempesona. Hampir setiap orang suka memperhatikan wanita yang cantik. Tapi tidak bagi penderita caligynephobia, paras wanita yang cantik justru membuatnya ketakutan alias fobia.

    Menurut American Psychological Association, fobia adalah salah satu gangguan mental yang paling umum, yang mempengaruhi lebih dari 11 persen pria dan wanita.

    Tapi mungkin tidak banyak orang yang tahu bahwa ada orang yang fobia dengan wanita berparas cantik, yang dikenal dengan caligynephobia atau venustraphobia.

    Seperti ketakutan atau fobia lainnya, caligynephobia diciptakan oleh pikiran bawah sadar sebagai mekanisme perlindungan. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh peristiwa masa lalu yang menghubungkan wanita cantik dengan trauma emosional.

    Fobia wanita cantik ini juga bisa dipicu oleh berbagai peristiwa selain trauma pribadi, seperti kejadian di film dan televisi atau melihat pengalaman orang lain yang berhubungan dengan wanita cantik.

    Orang dengan caligynephobia akan menganggap wanita berparas cantik sebagai makhluk yang sangat berbahaya. Orang dengan kelainan ini akan sangat panik bila bertemu dengan wanita cantik.

    Seperti dilansir dari Ehow, gejala lain yang dialami penderita caligynephobia saat melihat wanita cantik baik langsung maupun di televisi, foto atau video adalah:

    • Sesak napas, napas menjadi cepat dan pendek
    [*]Detak jantung tidak teratur[*]Berkeringat dingin[*]Mual[*]Ketakutan secara menyeluruh
    Meskipun gejala-gejala ini berbeda antara sesama penderita caligynephobia, tapi efeknya jelas akan membuat penderita tidak dapat berkonsentrasi dan kinerja menurun bila berada di dekat wanita cantik.

    Fobia ini tidak hanya kambuh bila berhadapan langsung dengan wanita cantik, tapi juga bisa terjadi bila si penderita melihat wanita cantik di televisi, foto atau video.

    Sekitar 6 persen penderita mengaku mengalami masalah yang cukup signifikan. Tapi belum ada obat yang pernah dikembangkan secara khusus untuk mengobati fobia wanita cantik, obat-obatan yang ada hanya mampu menekan ketakutan untuk sementara waktu.

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Are the public sector holy?

    Imagine that motor industries had been in the public sector for years and the health service, schools, fire brigade etc. had been privatised. The government is about to cut the pensions of the garage workers.

    The union of garage workers would hold a ballot, 25% would vote, most in favour of striking and a strike would be held.  Would the garage workers see anything wrong in their actions as the country ground to a halt?  No, they would say that it is obvious that they are THE essential service, without them there would be no fuel for ambulances, doctors would be unable to get to work.  Without their terrible sacrifice, working with the evil, health threatening diesel and petrol in the noise and dirt, the whole country would grind to a halt.

    Over the years the garage workers would have insisted that only those with a doctorate could actually touch a spanner.  To increase efficiency there would be a pre-repair stage where cars with problems would go and lesser technicians would examine their fitness.  Those vehicles with real problems would be told to report to the large, efficient, regional garages where the most qualified and effective specialists would hold all the right parts and know how to deal with any problem, unlike the local garages which would never have the parts and close from 9am to 6pm and at weekends.  The government would have ensured that the regional centres were run by nurses and childcare assistants to decrease the power of the motor industry professionals and give the whole organisation an air of private sector efficiency.

    The union of public sector driving instructors would also strike. Their union would point out that their central role in the economy and society at large is seldom appreciated by other people but if they did not train drivers there would be no society. There would be no fire engines to save your burning house because the engines would be stuck in the depot, no specialists to treat your ailing car because these people could not even have got to school, let alone to specialist university had their mothers - all trained drivers - not driven them there.

    If the private sector were to complain that 60% of the economy of the North East now consists of parts depots and motor regulations enforcement offices the unions would say that they had encouraged their Labour Party to do this so that the poor people of the North East could have stable employment.

    If the private sector workers, such as teachers, were to complain then the unions would point out that the motor industry is prior to education, without vehicles teachers could not even get to school to teach and the teaching would be pointless anyway because there would be no industrial society for the children to join upon graduation.  It is just typical of the private sector, such as teachers and doctors, to insist that grubbing about indoctrinating children and screwing on metal hips for money was more important than ensuring the smooth operation of communications services: services that are needed by the old and young, the fit and sick alike.

    What value can you truly put on a garage mechanic's or filling station manager's wage?  The police would be running after criminals on foot down our motorways, firemen would be using watering cans to douse fires and ambulancemen would be jogging miles with patients on stretchers without the sacrifice of our heroic public sector workers.  Which of us would be prepared to do the ten years of training, endure the endless ripping of skin against hard metal, the slipped disks and near permanent immersion in oil to ensure the smooth running of everything for everyone?  Let alone the risks of rescuing breakdowns, the roadside being more dangerous than the fires faced by firemen or the criminals faced by the police.  Do you really begrudge the motor workers their four months paid annual holiday and paid retirement in Majorca after such a life of service?

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Model cantik ♥♥♥ Rini Lovelyluna ♥♥♥ Di jamin jatuh cinta ditempat

    # Nama Lengkap : Rini Lovelyluna
    # Tinggi : 165 cm
    # Berat badan : 45 kg
    # Hobi : Karaoke, shopping, travelling
    # Aktivitas : Modelling
    # Musik Favorit: Pop
    # Buku Favorit : Novel
    # Film Favorit : 3 Idiots
    # Acara Tv Favorit: Talk Show
    # Makanan Favorit : Chinese Food
    # Minuman Favorit : Air Mineral
    # Hangout Place Favorit : Mall
    # What do you think about you'r self :
    Miss independent karena gue berusaha sendiri dalam melakukan segala sesuatunya, friendly, bocor kata orang-orang, lucu juga kata orang-orang, cuek banget kata temen gue, melakonlis kadang-kadang, lumayan moody, manja banget misalnya sama cowok sendiri, lelet, hahahaha.

    Gadis cantik ini bernama Rini, seorang mahasiswa tingkat akhir di salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta Jakarta dan berasal dari Manado. Selain menjadi model foto, baru-baru ini juga menjadi model video klip salah satu band terkenal.

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The Mockingbird Squawks

    The Mockingbird Media does not like a third party at ALL!
    You don't deserve a choice but the choice THEY give you proles!.
    Watch this Hardball and see if you can't sense the terror in their very being.

    Update: They don't have a static video feed with this embed, so just click playlist and click the 2nd one on the top labeled Third Party.

    And here's some more freaking out by Dick Morris, who thought that Ron Paul getting an average amount of talk time was a conspiracy by CNN. Dick admits that Ron Paul doesn't represent the Republican party, which would be true, he's more of a representative of the Constitution, which the Republican party would have appeared to have dropped by the wayside a long, long time ago.

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Wanita kalo Basah basahan memang seksi banget yah liat aja

5 Cara Pria Membuktikan Cinta Kepada Pasangannya - Hari gini, ternyata masih banyak perempuan yang ingin mendengar pengakuan dari para pria bahwa ia mencintai Anda. Padahal, tidak semua pria senang atau mudah mengucapkan kata sakti tersebut. Bagi mereka, yang penting adalah perbuatan yang dilakukannya untuk Anda. Kristin Booker, penulis gaya hidup di New York City yang juga pendiri dan editor blog Fashion.Style.Beauty, mengatakan bahwa Anda mungkin perlu melupakan kalimat pengakuan cinta tersebut. Meskipun kalimat itu tidak diucapkannya, tidak berarti ia tidak memikirkannya. Kemungkinan besar pria mengungkapkannya dengan cara lain. Misalnya, “Wah, brownies buatan istriku paling enak!”
    Selain itu, lanjut Kristin, pria menggunakan tanda-tanda samar selama berhubungan dengan perempuan yang dicintainya untuk menunjukkan dan membuktikan rasa sayangnya.
      1. Ia mengingat hal-hal kecil tentang Anda.
    Untuk membuktikan cintanya yang besar kadang-kadang pria tidak memberikan sesuatu yang besar. Misalnya, ia ingat pakaian apa yang Anda kenakan saat pertama kali berkencan dengannya. Ia tahu apa yang paling membuat Anda kesal, atau siapa penyanyi favorit Anda ketika masih remaja. Hal-hal ini menjadi tanda bahwa ia membuat suatu investasi nyata di dalam benaknya mengenai sesuatu penting bagi Anda. Dengan sendirinya, hal itu juga penting baginya.

    2. Ia melakukan tindakan “remeh” untuk Anda.
    Tindakan ini normalnya tidak akan dilakukan seorang pria, seperti membelikan cookies untuk Anda karena teman-teman perempuannya juga membeli cemilan yang sama, membeli beberapa barang di minimarket sesuai daftar belanja dari Anda, atau mengusap-usap perut Anda ketika Anda mengeluh kram perut akibat datang bulan. Kebanyakan pria jarang menunjukkan perilaku romantis seperti ini, apalagi bila hubungan Anda dengannya sudah berjalan lama. Namun, inilah bukti bahwa Anda selalu ada di dalam pikirannya.
    3. Ia menghadiri momen-momen penting Anda.
    Anda memintanya untuk menemaninya makan bersama keluarga Anda (padahal ia sedang kelelahan), atau meminta waktunya untuk pernikahan sepupu Anda, padahal pada saat yang sama ada pertandingan bola yang ditunggu-tunggunya. Kesediaannya menemani Anda menunjukkan bahwa Anda lebih penting daripada segalanya. Dan, pria tidak akan melakukan hal-hal seperti ini untuk sembarang orang. Hanya orang yang benar-benar dipedulikannya, yaitu Anda.

    4. Ia rela mengorbankan perasaan atau kepentingannya.
    Ingat ketika ia dengan sabar menunggui Anda yang sedang asyik shopping, padahal ia bosan setengah mati? Atau ketika ia menyimpan koleksi boneka Star Wars-nya ke dalam kardus karena Anda tidak menyukainya? Apapun yang dilakukan pria, dari mengurangi jadwal main tenisnya, hingga membatasi frekuensi merokoknya, merupakan tanda bahwa ia peduli. Jadi, jangan protes bila ia pun meminta Anda tidak sering-sering membeli pernak-pernik “enggak penting” yang lalu berserakan di kamar Anda. Tidak adil kan, bila hanya ia yang harus mengubah kebiasaannya?

    5. Ia selalu menepati janjinya.
    Pria paling menyebalkan bagi kaum perempuan adalah yang selalu datang terlambat saat janjian, membatalkan janji pada saat-saat terakhir, lupa menelepon, kehilangan nomor telepon Anda, dan lain sebagainya. Bila memang peduli, pria akan menepati apa yang dikatakannya. Setidaknya, bila ia tidak sanggup menepati janji karena masih ada urusan di kantor misalnya, ia akan berusaha menebusnya lain waktu. Bila berjanji menjemput Anda, ia tidak keberatan sampai di tempat tujuan lebih cepat daripada Anda, karena ia tidak ingin Anda termangu-mangu di pinggir jalan untuk menunggui Anda.
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Belasan Siswa SMA Kesurupan Saat Upacara Bendera

    Sedikitnya sebanyak 15 siswi dari kelas 1 dan 2 Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Negeri 3 Kabupaten Tuban mengalami kesurupan massal sesaat sebelum berakhirnya upacara bendera di lapangan sekolah tersebut, Senin (28/11/2011).

    Dari sejumlah informasi yang berhasil dihimpun, kesurupan yang melanda belasan siswi SMAN 3 tersebut bermula saat salah satu siswi dari kelas 3 yang mengikuti upacara bendera tersebut pingsan.

    Tak lama kemudian setelah siswa yang bernama Laily Septiana terjatuh pingsan, tak hanya itu ia juga langsung berteriak histeris, kemudian langsung disusul oleh sejumlah siswi yang juga ikut upacara tersebut juga sudah mulai banyak yang pingsan dan juga ikut kesurupan. "Tadi upacara baru akan selesai, kemudian langsung para siswa mulai kesurupan dan berteriak-teriak," ujar Roni Siswanto, Waka Kesiswaan, SMAN 3 Tuban yang berada di jalan Manunggal, Tuban.

    Para dewan guru langsung memberikan pertolongan untuk menyembuhkan para siswi yang berteriak histeris. Saat akan ditenangkan oleh para guru sejumlah siswi yang kesurupan malah memberontak dan melawan.

    Untuk menghindari korban kesurupan yang lebih banyak lagi, belasana siswi yang mengalami kesurupan tersebut langsung dibawa ke musala sekolahan untuk dilakukan penanganan. "Semua siswa yang kesurupan langsung kita tangani, mereka kita bawa ke musala, supaya tidak menganggu proses belajar mengajar," tambahnya.Source URL:
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