Awas Bergadang membuat organ tubuh hancur

    Organ tubuh yang akan hancur akibat begadang. Kesehatan sangatlah penting untuk tubuh kita, maka dari itu kita harus menjaga kesehatan sebaik mungkin sebelum masalah keseahtan datang pada tubuh kita, dengan menjaalani pola hidup yang baik dan teratur. Masalah kesehatan atau penyakit akan datang kapan saja yang diakibatkan oleh pola hidup yang tidak teratur, salah satunya adalah kebiasaan begadang. Dengan seringnya begadang secara perlahan organ tubuh akan hancur dan dapat mengakibatkan patal. Organ tubuh yang akan hancur akibat begadang titik utamanya adalah hati, dan menjadi kanker hati.

    Para dokter di National Taiwan Hospital baru-baru ini mengejutkan dunia kedokteran karena ditemukannya kasus seorang dokter muda berusia 37 tahun yang selama ini sangat mempercayai hasil pemeriksaan fungsi hati (GOT,GPT), tetapi ternyata saat menjelang Hari Raya Imlek diketahui positif menderita kanker hati sepanjang 10 cm! Selama ini hampir semua orang sangat bergantung pada hasil indeks pemeriksaan fungsi hati (Liver Function Index). Mereka menganggap bila pemeriksaan menunjukkan hasil index yang normal berarti semua OK. Kesalahpahaman macam ini ternyata juga dilakukan oleh banyak dokter spesialis.

    Benar-benar mengejutkan, para dokter yang seharusnya memberikan pengetahuan yang benar pada masyarakat umum, namun ternyata memiliki pengetahuan yang tidak benar. Pencegahan kanker hati harus dilakukan dengan cara yang benar. Tidak ada jalan lain kecuali mendeteksi dan mengobatinya sedini mungkin, demikian kata dokter Hsu Chin Chuan.
    Tetapi ironisnya, ternyata dokter yang menangani kanker hati juga bisa memiliki pandangan yang salah, bahkan menyesatkan masyarakat, inilah penyebab terbesar kenapa kanker hati sulit untuk disembuhkan.
    Penyebab utama kerusakan hati adalah :
    1. Tidur terlalu malam dan bangun terlalu siang adalah penyebab paling utama
    2. Tidak buang air di pagi hari
    3. Pola makan yang tidak beraturan
    4. Tidak makan pagi
    5. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi obat-obatan
    6. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi bahan pengawet, zat tambahan, zat pewarna, pemanis buatan
    7. Minyak goreng yang tidak sehat! Sedapat mungkin kurangi penggunaan minyak goreng saat menggoreng makanan hal ini juga berlaku meski menggunakan minyak goreng terbaik sekalipun seperti olive oil. Jangan mengkonsumsi makanan yang digoreng bila kita dalam kondisi penat, kecuali dalam kondisi tubuh yang fit.

    8. Mengkonsumsi masakan mentah (sangat matang) juga menambah beban hati. Sayur mayur dimakan mentah atau dimasak matang 3/ 5 bagian. Sayur yang digoreng harus dimakan habis saat itu juga, jangan disimpan.
    Kita harus melakukan pencegahan dengan tanpa mengeluarkan biaya tambahan. Cukup dengan mengatur gaya hidup dan pola makanan sehari-hari. Perawatan dari pola makan dan kondisi waktu sangat diperlukan agar tubuh kita dapat melakukan penyerapan dan pembuangan zat-zat yang tidak berguna sesuai dengan jadwalnya. Sebab :

    * Malam hari pk 21.00 – 23.00 : Adalah pembuangan zat-zat / beracun (de-toxin) di bagian sistem antibodi (kelenjar getah bening). Selama durasi waktu ini seharusnya dilalui dengan suasana tenang atau mendengarkan musik. Bila saat itu seorang ibu rumah tangga masih dalam kondisi yang tidak santai seperti misalnya mencuci piring atau mengawasi anak belajar, hal ini dapat berdampak negatif bagi kesehatan.

    * Malam hari pk 23.00 – dini hari pk 01.00 : Saat proses de-toxin di bagian hati, harus berlangsung dalam kondisi tidur pulas.

    * Dini hari pk 01.00 – 03.00 : Proses de-toxin di bagian empedu, juga berlangsung dalam kondisi tidur.

    * Dini hari pk 03.00 – 05.00 : De-toxin di bagian paru-paru. Sebab itu akan terjadi batuk yang hebat bagi penderita batuk selama durasi waktu ini. Karena proses pembersihan (de-toxin) telah mencapai saluran pernafasan, maka tak perlu minum obat batuk agar supaya tidak merintangi proses pembuangan kotoran.

    * Pagi pk 05.00 – 07.00 : De-toxin di bagian usus besar, harus buang air di kamar kecil.
    * Pagi pk 07.00 – 09.00 : Waktu penyerapan gizi makanan bagi usus kecil, harus makan pagi. Bagi orang yang sakit sebaiknya makan lebih pagi yaitu sebelum pk 6:30. Makan pagi sebelum pk 7:30 sangat baik bagi mereka yang ingin menjaga kesehatannya. Bagi mereka yang tidak makan pagi harap merubah kebiasaannya ini, bahkan masih lebih baik terlambat makan pagi hingga pk 9-10 daripada tidak makan sama sekali.

    Tidur terlalu malam dan bangun terlalu siang akan mengacaukan proses pembuangan zat-zat tidak berguna. Selain itu, dari tengah malam hingga pukul 04.00 dini hari adalah waktu bagi sumsum tulang belakang untuk memproduksi darah.

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Inilah Jip Dengan Biaya Rp 5,6 Juta Buatan Pria Cina

    Kesan pertama kita melihat Jip ini bahwa kendaraan tersebut akan segera hancur berantakan. Namun jip ini dapat ‘menyelamatkan’ kekayaan pemiliknya Qu Zhibo dalam jangka panjang, jika ia dapat membuat mobil tersebut cukup kokoh dan legal untuk dikemudikan di jalan raya.
    modifikasi jip ekstrim

    Dengan biaya hanya sekitar 400 pound atau sekitar 5,6 juta jika dirupiahkan, mobil jip ini dapat melaju dengan kecepatan tertingginya yaitu 30 kilometer perjam.

    Dalam pembuatannya, Zhibo yang merupakan seorang koki dari Zigong, di provinsi Sichuan, Cina, membutuhkan waktu tiga tahun untuk membuat dan model dari kendaraan militer ini.
    mobil jip paling ekstrim

    Menurut Mail Online, sang koki membangun setiap bagian jip ini sendirian, dengan pengecualian mesin, roda kemudi, ban serta tangki bensin.

    Jip sepanjang 1,5 meter yang berjalan dengan bantuan mesin dari sepeda motor, adalah obsesi Zhibo sejak tahun 2008 silam. Ia mengakui telah menghabiskan hampir semua waktu luangnya bekerja keras untuk menyelesaikan proyek ini.

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FOTO: Monyet Peloroti Kemben Charmian Chen (Model Taiwan) di Bali - Seorang wisatawan dari Taiwan yg bernama Charmian Chen baru saja mengalami kejadian yg memalukan ketika berkunjung ke pulau Dewata Bali, insiden tersebut terjadi di Monkey Forest, Ubud, Bali. Insiden tersebut terjadi ketika ada Monyet yg menarik pakaiannya ke bawah sampai merosot dan hampir topless.

    Selain pelajar, Charmian Chen juga berprofesi sebagai model.

    forum.vivanews.comSource URL:
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Misteri Suster Ngesot di Bandung Itu Terungkap

    Aksi ‘Suster Ngesot’ rupanya kali kedua terjadi di Apartemen Galeri Ciumbuleuit. Sebelumnya pada 18 November 2011 lalu, sesosok ‘Suster Ngesot’ sempat terekam kamera CCTV. Persamaan dua kejadian itu adalah lokasi ‘penampakan’ sama di lantai 17. Sasarannya pun penumpang lift yang berhenti di lantai 17 dan menginap di kamar yang sama, milik Ibu Mega, Titin, di kamar 2217.

    Hal ini terungkap setelah pihak manajemen Apartemen Galeri Ciumbuleuit menayangkan rekaman CCTV pada 18 November 2011 lalu. Dalam video rekaman itu, terlihat dua pria yang berada di dalam lift terkejut dan ketakutan saat melihat sesosok tubuh memakai dress putih dan muka ditutupi rambut panjang, dengan posisi ngesot.

    “Kejadiannya itu pada dini hari juga,” jelas Director PR and Communications Group Bird Management (Apartemen Galeri Ciumbuleuit) Ossie Himawan, saat ditemui wartawan di Apartemen Galeri Ciumbuleuit, Jalan Ciumbuleuit, Kota Bandung, Senin (12/12/2011).

    Posisi sosok yang dianggap tak lazim itu, sambung Ossie, persis apa yang dilakukan Mega Tri Pratiwi (20) dengan berdandan ala ‘Suster Ngesot’ pada Sabtu (10/12/2011) dini hari. Aksi iseng Mega untuk memberikan kejutan buat salah satu temannya yang berulang tahun itu terekam kamera CCTV.

    Kembali pada ‘penampakan’ pertama. Menurut Ossie, saat itu sekitar pukul 02.00 WIB, dua penumpang lift turun tergesa-gesa dan mengatakan kepada petugas kalau ada hantu di lantai 17. “Setelah itu petugas mengecek. Ternyata tidak ada,” katanya.

    Ossie menambahkan, pihaknya lantas mengecek dua tamu itu menginap di unit nomor berapa. Ternyata tamu itu menempati kamar 2217. Kamar itu merupakan milik Titin yang diketahui ibunya Mega.

    “Berdasarkan nomor unit kamar yang sama, maka kejadian ‘penampakan’ pertama dan kedua itu, kami asumsikan sosok menjadi ‘Suster Ngesot’ itu orang yang sama. Sebab selama ini tidak pernah terjadi hal-hal aneh atau penampakan sungguhan di apartemen ini,” tutur Ossie.

    Akibat aksi isengnya, Mega mendapat tendangan dari satpam Suryana, hingga membuat gigi bawahnya patah dan pelipis kiri lebam. Dikatakan manajemen, satpamnya itu refleks melakukannya. Tak terima anaknya diperlakukan seperti itu, ayah Mega, Mahfud Djabir melaporkan kasus ini ke kepolisian.

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Identitas Pasangan Berciuman di Tengah Kerusuhan Terungkap unik

    Di zaman teknologi yang maju dan kejayaan Facebook serta Twitter, segala sesuatu yang mustahil pun akhirnya bisa terungkap dengan jelas.
    24 jam setelah foto adegan ciuman itu beredar di dunia maya melalui email, IM, blog, akhirnya terungkap dalam laporan Toronto Star dan CBC bahwa pasangan itu adalah bartender asal Australia bernama Scott Jones dan mahasiswi Kanada bernama Alex Thomas. Mahasiswi ini mengalami luka ringan sebelum foto tersebut diambil.

    Kedua pasangan ini berkencan sejak Jones tiba di Vancouver, Kanada, untuk berlibur. Mereka menghadiri Game ke-7 dalam final Stanley Cup di mana tim tuan rumah Canucks kalah 4-0 dari Boston Ruins, Amerika Serikat (AS).
    Polisi antihuru-hara terpaksa diturunkan untuk mengamankan penonton yang mengamuk dalam aksi kerusuhan tersebut.

    Identitas ini terungkap ketika ayah Scott, Brett Jones, mem-posting di Facebook, dari rumahnya di Perth, Australia, dan mengklaim jika pria itu adalah anaknya yang sedang berlibur.
    Meski sempat sejumlah asumsi beredar, namun menurut Brett Jones, Thomas mengalami luka dan anaknya berusaha menenangkan si pacar dan kemudian menciumnya sembari mengatakan semuanya baik-baik saja

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Foto yang membuktikan kalo cewek sering bawa sial , liat aja , kadang - kadang cewek juga membawa sial . seperti cowok diatas , karena cewek , anjingnya salah makan tulang ,,

    Aduhh duh duhh . ....

    (hanya fiktif minta maaf kalo ada yang tersinggung )Source URL:
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Foto-foto Sekolah Khusus MAHO

Inilah 10 Jagoan Film Kolosal indonesia - Sekarang mungkin sulit bagi kita untuk menemukan film kolosal Asli indonesia yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan zaman kerajaan . Tapi dulu, film-film seperti itu justru laris bak jamur di musim hujan. Lihat saja film seperti saur sepuh,Karmapala, Prahara prabu siliwangi, Tutur Tinular, dan sebagainya. Film-film seperti itu dulu sangat menyihir kita dengan aksi aksi bertarungnya ,walaupun efek berkelahinya masih jadul, Tapi film-film seperti itu justru banyak mengandung pelajaran hidup dan contoh-contoh penerapan norma. Tidak seperti film-film sekarang yang justru lebih menekankan pada adegan percintaan yang tidak mendidik

    Dari film-film kolosal itulah muncul jagoan-jagoan yang tangguh yang menjadi bahan pembicaraan anak-anak yang menyaksikanya. Dan dari banyak jagoan, menurut saya ada 10 jagoan yang terbaik dan paling berpengaruh di dalam dunia film kolosal indonesia

    Berikut adalah daftar 10 jagoan kolosal tersebut

    10. Satrio Madangkara (Brahma Kumbara)
    Mungkin inilah jagoan yang paling dikenal oleh sebagian orang tua kita, karna acara Saur sepuh (acara yang menampilkan satrio madangkara) adalah salah satu dedengkot film kolosal indonesia), Film saur sepuh ini diadaptasi dari sandiwara radio yang pertama kali disiarkan pada tahun 1988. cerita pada zaman kerajaan padjajaran Kerajaan Pajajaran ini dilakoni oleh tokoh utama brahma kumbara sebagai raja yang sakti mandraguna lagi rupawan

    9. Damar Wulan
    Damar Wulan adalah seorang tokoh legenda cerita rakyat Jawa Timur. Kisah yang pernah populer ditengah masyarakat Jawa Timur . Kisah ini bercerita tentang perseturuan antar sang jagoan yaitu damar wulah sendiri melawan Minak jinggo dalam memperebutkan wanita dan kerajaan

    8. Prabu Siliwangi
    Prabu Siliwangi adalah tokoh pendekar yang menjadi raja di kerajaan sunda dan padjajaran. Kisah Prabu siliwangi ini diangkat dari cerita legenda yang berdasarkan prasasti batutulis. film kolosal ini di siarkan di SCTV dengan judul Prahar Prabu Siliwangi

    7. Jaka Sembung
    Pada zaman penjajahan Belanda, Jaka Sembung alias Parmin (Barry Prima) merupakan jawara sakti Kandanghaur. Ia memberontak atas ketidakadilan Belanda yang mengharuskan para tawanan bekerja paksa. Untuk menumpas Jaka Sembung, Belanda mengadakan sayembara. Jawara sakti Kohar (S. Parya) kalah disusul Si Hitam (W.D Mochtar) memiliki ajian Rawarontek yang membuatnya tak bisa mati bila tubuhnya menyentuh tanah.

    6. Jaka Tingkir
    Pendekar sakti yang kelak menguasai kerajaan pajang ini memang sudah mempunyai kesaktian sejak kecil, Dari remaja ia sudah gemar bertapa. Dan salah satu cerita paling terkenal tentang kesaktianya adalah bagaimana ia bisa bertarung mengalahkan buaya sehingga bisa menundukkan buaya itu dan menjadikanya menjadi abdi

    5. Angling Dharma
    Prabu Angling Dharma adalah seorang pendekar yang kemudian bisa menjadi raja malwapati setelah menang dalam pertarungan melawan batik madrim. Ia dikenal sakti mandraguna serta mempunyai ilmu yang membuatnya bisa berbicara dengan hewan. Ia juga mempunyai teman seekor naga yang selalu setia membantunya jika ia sedang dalam kesulitan

    4. Sembara
    Sembara adalah tokoh jagoan yang utama dalam film kolosal misteri gunung merapi atau yang sering dikenal sebagai mak lampir. Ia digambarkan sebagai golongan aliran putih yang berusaha melawan aliran hitam yang di pimpin oleh nenek sihir mak lampir. Dalam kisah misteri gnung merapi, ia juga diceritakan melawan penjajahan belanda bersama para kyai

    3. Si Buta dari gua Hantu
    Nama asli si Buta adalah Barda Mandrawata, seorang tokoh tani di daerah banten yang ingin menuntut balas atas perbuatan si mata malaikat yang telah berbuat onar dan membunuh calon menantunya. Ian rajin bertapa di Gua hantu hingga ia menjadi sakti. di sinilah ia membutakan matanya dengan menyilangkan golok ke matanya, tapi kebutaanya justru menjadikanya lebih sakti. Perjalanan menutut balas barda selalu ditemani seekor kera mungil yang setia yang bernama kliwon

    2. Wiro Sableng
    Wiro sableng atau pendekar 212, adalah nama tokoh fiksi dalam seri buku yang ditulis oleh Bastian Tito Wiro terlahir dengan nama Wira Saksana yang sejak bayi telah digembleng oleh gurunya yang tekenal di dunia persilatan dengan namaSinto Weni atau sinto gendeng Wiro adalah seorang pendekar dengan senjata kapak Maut Naga Geni 212 dan memiliki rajah "212" di dadanya. Wiro memiliki banyak kesaktian yang diperoleh selama petualangannya di dunia persilatan, dari berbagai guru.

    1. Arya Kamandanu
    Arya kamandanu adalah pendekar ahli pedang yang sangat hebat di zaman kerajaan majapahit. Ia mempunyai pedang naga puspa yang didapatkan dari seorang perantau asal cina yang mati. Di kisah tutur tinular. Ia adalah tokoh kompleks, di satu sisi, ia berperan sebagai orang yang lembut dan jatuh cinta dengan mei shin, di satu sisi, ia harus berperan sebagai seorang pengembara, dan di sisi lain ia berperan sebagai tokoh pendekar yang harus berjuang membela kerajan majapahit dari serbuan pemberontakan nambi, sora, kuti, dan lain-lain
    Film ini boleh dibilang film yang benar-benar mengangkat kisah kerajaan majapahit secara utuh dan panjang

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Kucing Garong Pose ALAY tersebar di internet

Monyet Paling Kaya Sedunia

    ADa-ada aja ni gan..ini monyet kaya banget daah..saya rasa apa yang dipunya dia bisa dia habiskan selama 1 bulan.Tetepi apa daya,dia hanya monyet..
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Kecelakaan Mobil Termahal di Jepang [Video]

    Kecelakaan Mobil Termahal di Jepang
    14 Mobil sport mewah mengalami tabrakan beruntun dan ringsek di jalan China Road daerah Shimonoseki, Jepang. Mobil tersebut terdiri dari 8 Ferarri - termasuk satu ferarri terbaru 355-, 3 Mercedes Benz, 1 Lamborghini dan 2 Toyota.

    Kecelakaan ini terjadi setelah satu Ferarri kehilangan kendali dan menabrak pembatas jalan, menghasilkan tabrakan beruntun parah yang meringsekan mobil lainnya sampai sebagian mobil tidak dapat diperbaiki kembali.
    10 pengemudi dibawa ke rumah sakit karena terluka. Untungnya tidak ada satupun yang mengalami luka berat.
    Meskipun belum dapat dipastikan kebenarannya, beberapa media menyatakan bahwa ini adalah kecelakaan mobil termahal yang pernah terjadi.
    Tampaknya bakal banyak yang kena omel hari ini...

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Kumpulan SMS lucu bikin ngakak - Saya adalah orang yang pintar, hanya saja sering melakukan hal bodoh hehe

    Cara terbaik untuk terlihat muda adalah hangout sama orang yang jauh lebih tua

    Wanita hanya membutuhkan sebuah benda sepanjang 3,5 inci intuk mendapatkan kepuasan. Benda itu bernama kartu kredit

    Saya tidak akan mengulang kesalahan dua kali. Kadang tiga kali, empat kali, tapi tidak pernah dua kali

    Saya memiliki uang untuk hidup makmur sampai akhir hayat saya, itu jika saya hidup hanya sampai senin depan.

    Lelaki itu kaya bluetooth, kitika kamu disampingnya, maka kalian akan terus berhubungan. Tapi ketika kamu jauh mereka akan mencari hubungan yang baru

    Kamu itu mirip Film
    Kalo kamu tertawa
    Jika kamu berkelahi
    Saat kamu menangis
    Dan saat kamu bbercermin


    Berita terbaru hari ini:
    Seorang Bapak dan  anaknya tewas akibat disambar petir.
    Saat ini polisi sedang berusaha untuk mengejar petir itu

    Waktu aku liat bintang di angkasa sepertinya aku ngeliat kamu di bintang itu.
    Aku jadi berpikir kayanya aku tidur aja dech..
    nggak usah liatin bintang....
    nggak seru....

    Dibutuhkan Segera! Laki laki atau Perempuan berwajah menarik, dan bersedia melakukan casting untuk Sampul Buku 'Yasin' Edisi Bulan Maret

    Saat hari Terik ataupun hujan , kau selalu mengantarku dengan mobilmu
    Saat aku lapar, kamu selalu mengirim aku makanan delivery
    Saat aku ingin ganti handphone baru, kamu membelikannya untuk ku
    Disaat aku hamil, kamu dimana ?

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8 cara menghindari Perasaan Galau

    Perasaan galau sering melanda kehidupan manusia. Perasaan seperti ini didefinisikan orang dengan berbagai tipe. Ada yang bilang galau itu perasaan tertekan, galau itu gak ada uang dan gak’ bisa makan, galau itu lagunya Titi DJ (LOH….), galau itu pas’ diputusin pacar, galau itu pas ujian gak’ belajar dan gak tau mau nyontek ma siapa, galau itu cabang baru dari perasaan seperi sedih, marah, putus asa, cengeng, dan lainnya, dan pastinya masih banyak lagi definisi galau yang diprediksi oleh setiap individu. Bahkan ada yang lebih sadis, galau itu (katanya) bisa membunuh karakter pribadi sebab ia membuat seseorang tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa lagi dikarenakan tidak dapat berfikir jernih.

    1. Berhentilah untuk menyalahkan diri sendiri karena hanya akan membuat perasaan jadi semakin down. Berpikirlah kalau ini merupakan sebuah ujian dari Tuhan karena Tuhan sayang sama diri kita dan Tuhan mau menaikkan derajat kita di hadapan orang lain dengan ujian tersebut. Dengan begitu kita akan lebih percaya diri setelah ujian itu berhasil dilewati, karena ujian yang diberikanNya tidaklah diluar kemampuan hambaNya.

    2. Hadapi dengan senyuman, berpikir positif, dan tenang dalam menyelesaikannya. Dengan begitu, perasaan akan lebh terasa relax dan sadar bahwa masalah yang dihadapi gak’ seberat yang dibayangkan.

    3. Selalu aja merasa beruntung, agar bisa terus bersyukur atas semua nikmat dari Tuhan.

    4. Lakukan kegiatan positif dan berguna, lalu nikmatilah semua itu.

    5. Dengarkan lagu-lagu yang disukai.

    6. Kumpul bersama teman-teman, kerabat, keluarga, lalu sharing dan curhat ke mereka. Tetapi jangan sampai salah pilih orang, karena bisa makin’ runyam ntar masalahnya. Bukannya nyelesain’ tapi malah nambah, capek deh…

    7. Hadapi yang akan terjadi, bukan malah menghindari dan takut. Jangan pernah berpikir untuk lari dari masalah. Masalah yang ada bukan untuk dihindari, tetapi untuk diselesaikan. Semakin dihindari, maka ia akan makin membesar. Menghadapi tidak selalu berdampak negatif, malah kebanyakannya berdampak positif. Justru menghindar akan makin membuat pribadi kalah dan merusak diri dari segi mental.

    8. Perbanyak beribadah. Meminta pertolongan dan petunjuk kepadaNya, dan temukan kedamaian ketika telah melakukan ibadah dan meminta solusi langsung kepada Sang Maha Esa.

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More Evidence Herman Cain Was Unjustly Accused

    By Douglas V. Gibbs

    I told my listeners yesterday on my AM radio program that I believe Ginger White was in trouble financially, got some help from Cain, and when the money stopped decided she was going to make Cain pay. That is a hunch I have, and at the time I made that statement I didn't have anything to go on other than my hunch.

    Last night I received an email from Andrea Shea King that told a very interesting story about Ginger White.

    The story begins with a woman named Kimberly Vay who is a female bodybuilder who was once also the business partner of Cain's alleged mistress, Ginger White. She once ran a bicycle business with Ginger White, and says White never mentioned Herman Cain. Remember, Ginger White says she was Herman Cain's lover for 13 years.

    When the business partnership ended, White sent a “defamatory” note to a master email list of the company’s clients and to city officials. The email said that White’s business had “come tumbling down [on] the day I invited Kim Vay into my life and my business” and that Vay had turned her “dream” into a “nightmare.” The email alleged that Vay, a competitive bodybuilder, injected veterinary drugs into her system prior to contests,” and also said that Vay preferred to date black men but had made derogatory comments about black women’s hair.

    Vay has a complaint filed calling the allegation about drug use “false, malicious, defamatory” and “reckless,” and therefore libelous.

    Ginger White has shown us that she is a vengeful person. She is willing to strike out at anyone, even with a malicious lie. Don't make her angry, it seems, or else you will have to deal with her angry wrath.

    If my hunch about White's accusation is correct, or at least in the ballpark of the truth, then it would seem reasonable that Herman Cain will sue Ginger White for libel. If he doesn't, any future political endeavors are lost forever.

    Also, notice that the women who accused him of harassment never took the accusations any farther. Could it be that they were lies?

    We see an awful of smoke, but the fire never seems to materialize.

    It is a shame that Cain collapsed under the weight of the liberal left's politics of personal destruction. Newt Gingrich is next in their sights. The question is how artful he will be able to deflect the lies and vicious attacks by the vile and disgusting leftists of the democrat party, and the liberal media.

    -- Political Pistachio Conservative News and CommentarySource URL:
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EPA's New Mandate For Vehicles

    The EPA is creating new regulations for vehicles

    "The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a new mandate that all vehicles must meet an average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. The problem with this EPA decree is it jumps ahead of the free market economy. Instead of letting consumer demand be the driving force automakers will now be forced to pay an EPA-estimated $157 billion to comply with the rule. This mandate will also likely raise the price of vehicles by an average of $3,100. It wasn't so long ago that taxpayers bailed out the auto industry, and if forced to comply with these new EPA rules, taxpayers may be on the hook again."

    -- Political Pistachio Conservative News and CommentarySource URL:
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VIDEO: Mayat Hidup Kembali Setelah Dikubur

    Kajadian Yg menggemparkan sudah dikubur ternyata masih hidup. kejadian ini nyata dan terjadi di Kalimantan Selatan.tidak satupun manusia yang dapat menentukan mati hidup seseorang.

    Banjarmasin: Kuburan seorang lelaki dibongkar kembali oleh pihak keluarga karena diyakni mayat dalam kubur tersebut masih hidup. Lelaki yang sudah dikubur delapan jam itu diketahui bernama Yadi, warga Kelurahan Kelayan Selatan, Banjarmasin Selatan, Kalimantan Selatan.

    Setelah diambil dari kuburnya, jasad Yadi yang terbungkus kain kafan dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Banjarbaru. Tim medis setempat menyatakan kalau pria berselimut kain kafan sudah meninggal. Karena tidak yakin, pihak keluarga lalu membawa korban pulang ke rumah.

    Warga setempat berdatangan untuk melihat Yadi. Suatu keanehan terjadi pada korban. Sekalipun tak bergerak dan bernapas, tubuhnya masih hangat bahkan mengeluarkan keringat. Sejumlah pemuka agama yang datang menyatakan ada tanda-tanda kehidupan pada Yadi.

    Adapun Yadi dinyatakan meninggal setelah tenggelam di sebuah sungai. Keluarga menemukan Yadi dalam keadaan sekarat karena sudah 10 menit tenggelam. Saat dibawa ke RS Umum Ulin, pihak dokter mengatakan Yadi sudah meninggal. Selanjutnya keluarga menguburkan Yadi.

    Pada malam harinya, istri Yadi kesurupan dan meminta agar kuburan suaminya dibongkar. Sebab suaminya belum meninggal. Pihak keluarga yang mendengar itu sepakat menggali kuburan Yadi. Kini, rumah korban terus didatangi warga yang penasaran. Adapun jasad Yadi tergeletak di pembaringan

    vivanews.comSource URL:
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Christopher Hitchens Speaks About Islam

    By Douglas V. Gibbs

    I am not a fan of Christopher Hitchens, and I am sure if he knew who I am he wouldn't like me either. He is a staunch atheist, and is so anti-religion it borders on madness. He doesn't see a whole lot of difference, for example, between Christianity and Islam. However, like a broken clock that can be right twice a day, occasionally Mr. Hitchens nails it right on the head. He may have it wrong generally about the followers of Jesus Christ, but he understands the dangers of Islam fully.

    Here is a transcript of a classic rant by him:

    If you want to avoid upsetting these people, you have to let Indonesia commit genocide in East Timor, otherwise they’ll be upset with you. You’ll have made an enemy. If you tell them they can’t throw acid in the faces of unveiled women in Karachi, they will be annoyed with you. If you say we insist, we think cartoonists in Copenhagen can print satire on the Prophet Mohammad, you’ve just made an enemy. You’ve brought it on. You’re encouraging it to happen.

    So unless you are willing to commit suicide for yourself and for this culture, get used to the compromises you will have to make and the eventual capitulation that will come to you. But bloody well don’t do that in my name because I’m not doing it. You surrender in your own name. Leave me out of it.

    I am going to fight these people and every other theocrat ALL … THE … WAY. All the way. For free expression, for women’s rights, for self-determination of small peoples, for the right of Iraqis to federate and have their own show, for the right of the Lebanese to not be bullied by Hezbollah and to have a multi-cultural democracy.

    Yes, I’ll fight for this and I think the 82nd Airborne is brave to be fighting for it too. I think you should be ashamed for sneering at people who guard you while you sleep. Thanks.

    -- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

    TheDC Video Vault: A classic Christopher Hitchens rhetorical beatdown - The Daily CallerSource URL:
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The Fake Unemployment Number of 8.6%

    By Douglas V. Gibbs

    We know that liberal democrats lie, they manipulate the numbers, they manipulate the polls, and they use the media as much as they can. I've noticed that anytime the media writes about who they think are bad guys around the world, they call them conservative, or right wing, too. That is how they play the game of destruction politics.

    The liberal left also knows that if the unemployment rate remains high, it would not bode well for Barry Obammie. Therefore, they must do anything they can to keep the rate down around 8%. After all, no President has been reelected with the rate any higher.

    Before I go on, remember that during the Great Depression, at its worst, the rate got into the mid-twenty percentile. . . and there was no unemployment insurance, which means the number was not based on how many people were on the unemployment rolls. The number was based on the number of people looking for work, or could work and wasn't.

    The Left has been working to get the rate below 9%, and below 8% by election time. Gallup has even been telling us that the day the rates go down is coming. They do so with their surveys, say it's getting better, regardless of the truth.

    The media is pretty excited. At last, the unemployment number is coming down!

    The rate reached 8.6%, and it is a corrupt number.

    Along with the news of the unemployment number dipping below nine is that also the number of people who have quit looking for work in the last few weeks is 315,000.

    That is not the number of people that quit looking for work as we are being told. They are still looking for work. That is the number of people that no longer can use unemployment insurance. They never found a job, and now they have nothing to help them survive, and the Left is celebrating because these poor people dropping off the rolls brought down the rate. Those people are still unemployed. They are still without work, and need a job.

    During the Great Depression they would be counted still as unemployed.

    Now, 315,000 who are unemployed are not being counted as unemployed.

    That also reduces the universe of jobs.

    The labor force participation rate is only 64%, but the leftists don't care about the truth. They will politicize anything. The labor force participation rate fell to 64% from 64.2%, and the 0.2% drop equals 315,000 people leaving the workforce.

    And the democrats are celebrating.

    The number of jobs created was also even less than that. Roughly 120,000 jobs. That number of jobs created can't lower the unemployment rate that much, and is not enough to do much.

    The rate dropping is impossible without that 315,000 figure, the 315,000 people who dropped off the rolls, even though they are still technically unemployed.

    More people dropped off the rolls than got jobs, yet the unemployment rate went down.

    How is that?

    Corruption, manipulation of data, and an ideology that will do anything to get Obama re-elected.

    How convenient. We are 11 months away from the next election, and suddenly with a little creativity, and unreal numbers, we're at 8.6% unemployment.

    The economy is not growing. The new jobs being created is near nothing. There is no robust growth. 8.6%, and they are celebrating, as things get worse.

    8.6% is the U3 unemployment rate. The U6 unemployment rate counts the 315,000. The U3 is a government marker, and that is what is reported. The U6 unemployment number counts the 315,000 who have dropped off unemployment insurance, and that number is approaching 20%. Then if you add the business owners whose businesses went under, and the people that did not take unemployment but do half a dozen side jobs to stay alive, the real unemployment number is right up there with the Great Depression numbers.

    But all those people are no longer counted as being unemployed. No longer counted as being in existence in terms of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. These unemployed that couldn't find work in time dropped out of the system altogether, and are no longer counted by the Obama team and his democrat cronies.

    The leftitsts are spinning all of this to create a false impression of economic recovery and a healthier job market. It's a lie induced propaganda campaign.

    They hope these people that can't find work now ask for help from the government, and become dependent on the federal government to survive. Entitlements. The democrats are destroying lives to get votes. They are lying to get votes. They are manipulating the numbers and spreading corruption around like mad to get votes.

    And some people are falling for it.

    -- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

    U.S. Jobless Rate Unexpectedly Declines to 8.6% - Bloomberg

    Economy Creates 120,000 Jobs, Rate Tumbles to 8.6% - CNBCSource URL:
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NDAA's World Wide Declaration of War on The People

Debate Wars: A Newt Hope

    By Douglas V. Gibbs

    I was asked that now that Herman Cain is out of the race, who is my favorite. . . as if Cain was my favorite while he was running. I have no favorite in the GOP Field. There are candidates I like, and ones I don't like. There are things I like about the candidates, and there are things I don't like. They are all flawed.

    Herman Cain

    As long as Cain was in the race, I held a certain favor towards him. I like him. I think he cares about America, and I think his business background would be favorable for him as the executive of this nation. However, I was not real hip about his 999 plan. I believe a national sales tax creates the infrastructure for a Value Added Tax, which I think is a very dangerous animal, and has been devastating in Europe. As for a flat tax, it will only work if the rate is 8% or less. 9% is too high. Besides, among the deductions, if we must have an income tax, I look favorably upon the mortgage interest deduction because it encourages home ownership without necessarily giving loans away to people who can't afford them, as the liberal left seems to always push. Besides, the best way to reduce taxation, and ultimately eliminate the income tax, is not to change it, but to cut federal spending until a direct tax is no longer necessary. I would love to see, someday, the repeal of the 16th Amendment.

    When it comes to what pushed Herman Cain out of the race, by the way, interests me. Think about it. It is amazing how convenient the accusations against him were. The harassment scandal never produced any evidence, it was just a bunch of accusations, and by women exclusively from Chicago - think about it - think about it. When they didn't work, when nothing became of the accusations and Cain refused to step down, an affair scandal conveniently appeared, once again with little evidence. I don't know if Cain is innocent, or not, but it just seems damn fishy.

    John Huntsman

    Obama with an "R" after his name. Not even a consideration.

    Mitt Romney

    Great, he was a successful businessman, saved the Olympics, and has presidential hair. So, a lot of people think he'd be a good fit for fixing our economy, and he seems the most presidential of the bunch. However, he's a big government guy. Of course the liberal media says he's the best candidate. They always like the more liberal republicans. Remember, Romneycare was the model that Obamacare was based on. He was pro-abortion, and then conveniently changed to pro-life when it seemed to be needed. I don't trust Romney. His politics are too shaky for me. He may not be as liberal as the democrats, but he still is. He would still gives us a ride to destruction, just on a slower train.

    Rick Perry

    Perry has pretty much become a non-issue for me. Sometimes I even forget he's in the race. I didn't like him at the beginning, and now that he spends nearly as much time with his foot in his mouth as Biden, I like him less. He has challenged the wisdom of securing the border, he has supported funding for educating illegal aliens in American universities, he has questioned E-Verify, and at the State level he is a big government guy. How can I believe he won't be big government at the federal level? Besides, he didn't create jobs in Texas. The conservative legislature did. . . despite Perry.

    Ron Paul

    I like the squirrelley old dude quite a bit. Ron Paul is a fantastic representative, understands the Constitution ten times more than all of the knuckleheads on the stage, and I agree with him 100% that we need to end the federal reserve. However, though I agree with him that we need not involve ourselves in foreign entanglements, he seems to lump all military operations into that definition. I disagree with him on Iraq, for example. He also misrepresents the Constitution when he says the President illegally waged war when he didn't get a declaration of war from the Congress. And Paul votes against the Constitution more often that he lets on. I don't think he should be president. However, I would love to see the Republican that wins this election in 2012 make Ron Paul head of the federal reserve. Talk about auditing the fed. Paul would turn it upside down, and have the international bankers quaking in their boots. Forget Ron Paul for President. I say we start a new campaign: Ron Paul for Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

    Rick Santorum

    Rick is the quintessential conservative. He believes in limited government, family values, and a loving God. Problem is every answer he gives goes back to the importance of the family unit, of which he's right, but he doesn't go any deeper than that. Besides, he has no national traction, and he does not possess the charisma to get him over the top. Love him, but unfortunately he is unelectable.

    Michele Bachmann

    True Conservative that would fight for conservative principles, never place party before her principles, and she would be a fantastic president. I absolutely love her. However, she underestimates Islam, does not fully understand the Constitution, and as a representative she does not possess the national stature that would get her over the top. However, she may make a fantastic running mate. As much as I like her, she teeters between electable, and unelectable. It's a real shame, to be honest.

    Newt Gingrich

    Newt says the right things, has the right experience, and carries enough baggage to choke a horse. However, not all of the baggage is true. For example, the liberals will tell you that he handed his divorce papers to his dying wife while she was undergoing cancer treatment. That is an all out lie. She was not on her deathbed, she did not go through the kind of cancer treatment the liberals say she did, she was having a benign tumor removed. Newt didn't serve her with divorce papers, either. She is the one that filed for divorce, and the process began long before she was in the hospital. He cheated on her, and deserved the divorce his wife handed him. The power of politics apparently went to his head. The details of this can be found in Newt's daughter's book that came out a couple years ago.

    Gingrich has shown us a history of being a party guy. I want someone that puts principles before party, but I don't know if I can trust Newt Gingrich to be that guy. His support of Scuzzyfava in New York's District 23 last year was an example of him putting party before principles. She was more liberal than the democrat, and Doug Hoffman was the conservative in that race. He betrayed his principles when he sat with Pelosi over the global warming hoax as well. So the question is, can he be trusted? Has he changed as he says he has. Were those truly decisions he regrets?

    I would rather vote for someone that made mistakes, learned from them, has repented, and is the better person for it. I hope that is what Newt is. But if he isn't, voting for him could be a set-up for a huge let down, and a monumental mistake for the conservatives.

    However, he's the best of the rest.

    Like I said, I have no favorites. I am just telling you what I think of the candidates. They are all flawed, and there is no ideal candidate. But at this point, Elmer Fudd would be better than Barry Obama. Elmer could probably beat ol' big ears, too.

    -- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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Former Mossad Director Meir Dagan Injects Sanity Into Israel-Iran Debate, Says Ahmadinejad Is A Rational And "Sophisticated Individual"

    Former Mossad Director Meir Dagan emerged from the shadows to warn his people about the consequences of attacking Iran in a television interview. Richard Silverstein writes:
    Ilana Dayan has the first interview former Mossad director Meir Dagan has ever given to Israeli TV. For many Israelis, it must be a bit like hearing Marcel Marceau speak the first word of his career, as Dagan has a reputation for being exceedingly laconic and unwilling to speak publicly or to the press.
    In the interview, Dagan rejected the popular but mistaken notion that Iran is led by crazy rulers who are hell-bent on wiping Israel off the map. Silverstein provides the translation:

    Dayan is a superb interviewer who both brings out the best in her interviewees by being sympathetic to them, but also by challenging them in a dramatic fashion. For example, at one point she says to him: Barak says we have to act within the next nine months or Iran will have the bomb. You say we have till 2015. What if you are wrong? What if we wait as you suggest and they get the bomb and the Jewish people face a Holocaust? We will then have a situation we never experienced, in which we will face a nation of madmen with a nuclear weapon.

    Dagan’s reply is quite interesting. He disagrees with her and says: Iran acts as a rational state. It takes into account the implications of its actions [and those of others]. Therefore, it’s not in a mad dash to get a nuclear weapon. Dayan responds: are you telling me that Ahmadinejad is a rational man [in Hebrew, she calls him a "rational goy" which is an odd, slightly racist locution]? Dagan answers: I think he is a sophisticated individual, but his audience is not an Israeli or western one. The Iranians are sophisticated, quite wise, and we should not make the mistake of dismissing them.

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U.S. Senate Candidate Joins Constitution Speaker Radio

    Sgt. Robert Allen Mansfield, an Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Army Retired, has announced his candidacy for U.S. Senate. His commitment to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, is ready to go to Washington, representing the State of Pennyslvania.

    Mr. Mansfield claims he is a staunch constitutionalist. Today, on the Constitution Speaker Radio program, his constitutionalism will be put to the test.

    Join us on KCAA 1050 AM to listen to this tremendous interview. And of course stay with us for the 5 Big Stories of the Weekend, and the Nuts and Nuggets segment at the conclusion of the show.

    Listen live at 2:00 pm this afternoon on KCAA 1050 AM in Southern California, or on Catch a replay of the show on KCXL 1140 AM/102.9 FM in Kansas City, Missouri.Source URL:
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Red Ice Radio - Peter Dale Scott: Norway's Massacre, Breivik & Deep Events

Atheist "There Are No Gods" Banner Rejected by Town in Pennsylvania

    By Douglas V. Gibbs

    In preparation for the Christmas Season, the little town of Ellwood City, Pennsylvania has put up a holiday display that includes a Nativity scene, as well as symbols pertaining to Kwanzaa and Hanukkah. Secular symbols that have come to be associated with Christmas are also present, such as Santa Claus, a snowman, and a Christmas tree. Not included, however, was a banner from an atheist group that says "there are no gods."

    The secular symbols were added to the display to appease the Freedom From Religion Foundation after they complained that last year the display was nothing more than a government endorsement of religion.

    To protect themselves from further challenges, the mayor of Ellwood City also invited an outside group to come in and contribute to the modified display. The contribution was a sign, reading: "At this season of the Winter Solstice, may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

    Mayor Tony Court refuses to add that banner. It goes a little too far. Besides, he said, "It violates the First Amendment. It's endorsing atheism."

    The group that sent the banner disagrees, and says the text of the banner was written as a repudiation of the manger scene, which the organization sees as a doctrinal statement. "If you don't believe that baby is your lord and savior, according to Christian tradition and hymns sung at this time of year, then you are not saved."

    Both groups are wrong.

    The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment in the United States Constitution has been severely misinterpreted by both the atheists involved, and the mayor.

    The First Amendment only applies to the federal government. In fact, is says so right there in the amendment. The first words of the amendment are "Congress shall make no law. . . " Congress. That means the U.S. Congress. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." (First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution)

    What that first clause of the U.S. Constitution says is that through the legislative branch, which has the sole authority to legislate at the federal level (as per Article I, Section 1), there can be no laws establishing any religion (and atheism is a system of beliefs that would also fall under that banner) by the federal government. The fear, if you use the frame of reference of the Founding Fathers, was that the new central government may endeavor to create a situation similar to what was going on in England, where the Church of England and the monarchy were intertwined. The king was head of the church, controlling religion, and disallowing people to be a member of any other denomination. In fact, to not be a member of the Church of England was punishable by law.

    The States, however, were not affected by the First Amendment. In fact, at the time of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, the States, save for Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, all had established religions. As States, they were allowed to do such because, if you remember, the States originally held all of the powers, and they granted a few of their powers to the federal government so that it may protect, preserve and promote the union. The federal government was not given the authority to establish a State Church, or prohibit the free exercise of religion in any way. In other words, what we have been taught regarding the separation of church and state is actually backwards.

    However, as time progressed, the States realized how important freedom of religion was, and beginning with Virginia in the proposal of The Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom in 1779, which became law in 1786, a wave of States moving towards eliminating established churches swept through the new States in America. Connecticut was the last to give in.

    The Puritans had a heavy hand in Connecticut, and anybody that belonged to any church other than the Puritan Church was treated like a second-class citizen. The Baptists in Danbury were sick and tired of being treated that way, so when Thomas Jefferson won the presidency in 1800, the Danbury Baptists were thrilled, because Jefferson had been a part of bringing religious freedom to Virginia. If anybody could help them, reasoned the Baptist Church in Connecticut, it would be Thomas Jefferson.

    The Danbury Baptists sent a letter to Jefferson congratulating him on his win, and appealing to him to help them with their situation in Connecticut. Jefferson responded, including in his letter the phrase "wall of separation between church and state," meaning that the central government in Washington could not be involved. It was none of the federal government's business. Religious freedom at the local level would have to come through the State. With freedom comes responsibility, and in the case of Connecticut, it was the responsibility of those on the short end of the stick to either put up and shut up, work to change the local system of the existence of an established church, or move to a State that would agree to give the Baptists the religious freedom they so richly deserved.

    Connecticut held out until 1818 when they approved their first State Constitution, abolishing their colonial charter, and allowing religious freedom. Even then, however, there were provisions in the new State Constitution that allowed the State a certain level of interference if they deemed such intrusion necessary.

    That said, Ellwood City's decision to reject the atheist banner is absolutely legal, if the Pennsylvania State Constitution so allows. The Pennsylvania State Constitution, on this matter, reads as follows:

    Religious Freedom
    Section 3.

    All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences; no man can of right be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship or to maintain any ministry against his consent; no human authority can, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience, and no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious establishments or modes of worship.

    "No preference shall ever be given by law to any religious establishments or modes of worship."

    The Holiday Display in Ellwood City is not established by law. It is a tradition. No law has been passed giving preference to any religion over another. A tradition, however, has been in play that celebrates the Christmas Season. Out of consideration, Kwanzaa and Hanukkah and secular symbols have been added, but it is a tradition and the decorations at that display is at the discretion of the organizers. No law has established the religious nature of the display, therefore the display organizers can reject anything they deem unacceptable.

    The atheists are free to purchase ad space, or lease a lot, to put up their own displays. As a private organization, there are no laws disallowing that.

    -- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

    Pennsylvania Town Rejects Atheist 'There Are No Gods' Banner in Holiday Display - Fox News

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Showdown with Iran Deepens: Iran Shoots Down U.S. Drone

Occupy Movement Becomes Orwell's Animal Farm in Action

Constitution Study Radio: Myth #5 - Article V. Convention

Foto Cantik dan Seksi Vicky Shu di Berbagai Pose Berani

Evidence of the Failure of Big Bureaucracy

    By Douglas V. Gibbs

    Liberalism fails whenever it is tried.

    I get it. Society is plagued with various social problems. The social engineers want to address those societal ills, and they believe the way to do that is through government.

    These people see a flawed value system, and blame individuality for it. All must conform, so they set out to create uniformity, where any deviation is treated as a malady.

    What emerges is a bureaucracy that dictates every move of the citizens. In the name of good intentions, or for the good of the community, the ruling elite take control, and then the idiocy sets in.

    The following is the result of this kind of madness:

    A man from Nyköping in eastern Sweden has been denied a power wheelchair despite having had both of his legs amputated as the local health authority remained "uncertain if the impairment was permanent". - The Local

    Teen stopped at airport for design on purse: 17-year-old missed flight to Jacksonville after agents inspected gun replica - News4JAX

    A 7-year-old boy is being investigated by his South Boston elementary school for possible sexual harassment after kicking another boy in the crotch. - CBS Boston

    Verdicts for pastors who preached of sin: Warned of judgment for 'drunks, homosexuals, abortionist, witches' - World Net Daily

    An 85-year-old Long Island grandmother says she plans to sue the TSA after a humiliating strip search on Tuesday by agents at JFK Airport. Lenore Zimmerman, who lives in Long Beach, says she was on her way to a 1 p.m. flight to Fort Lauderdale when security whisked her to a private room and took off her clothes. “I walk with a walker — I really look like a terrorist,” she said sarcastically. “I’m tiny. I weigh 110 pounds, 107 without clothes, and I was strip-searched.” - NY Daily News

    -- Political Pistachio Conservative News and CommentarySource URL:
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Herman Cain Is Out

    By Zach Foster
    Earlier today, in the face of more and more developments in the Ginger White affair on top of many allegations of sexual harassment by various women, the pressure mounted to a force unbearable and Herman Cain suspended his Presidential campaign.  In a statement, Cain said that these allegations (which he still denies) are hurting his wife, his family, his candidacy, and America “because you’re being denied solutions to our problems.[1]   In the midst of this crisis for the Cain camp, his chief grass roots supporters have already formed a plan and followed up on it: they are supporting Ron Paul, with many Cain supporters joining en masse even though their original champion has yet to endorse a candidate.
    The heads of Herman Cain Forums have already made a statement as to why they’re supporting Ron Paul, namely that “Ron Paul was the only candidate that actually had remorse for how the media treated Herman Cain and the alleged affairs” and that they “will always thank him for showing respect in that nature.”[2]  This makes perfect sense, and many of Congressman Paul’s supporters are happy that he was so adamant about focusing only on the erroneous portions of Cain’s platform and NOT his personal life.  One thing that remains ironic is how many Democrats were ready to pounce on Cain as soon as allegations of sexual harassment arose, even though when Bill Clinton was faced with the possibility of impeachment over the Lewinsky scandal, their camp was shouting for America to focus on the issues and not the personal life of their champion.  It is only fair to say that Republicans who pounced on Clinton for his affair are equally hypocritical as the pro-Clinton Democrats who pounced on Cain.  Ron Paul pounced on neither, and it’s refreshing for people both in the Cain and Paul camps to know that a candidate in this day and age could still be a gentleman and focus on hard facts of politics and economics rather than the issues.
    Herman Cain Forums is now a pro-Ron Paul website and its floodgates are open to the Paul camp.  Articles on the Daily Paul have also appeared in which Paul supporters lament how the media zeroed in on Cain’s personal life and scandals rather than on the issues, and warmly invite Cain supporters into the Paul camp.  “…So welcome.  We commend you because many Republicans have been reluctant to rethink America's foreign policy (think Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity) and it has been frustrating because they won't allow the discussion to get too deep.”[3] 
    Some Cain supporters have flocked to Gingrich—the last bastion of [phony] conservatism (Romney being the poster boy for the moderates)—but they are not joined by the majority of their former allies.  Many Cain supporters know that both Gingrich[4] and Romney[5] are well known for their flip flopping on key issues.  Furthermore, many Cain supporters are silently resentful as to how Gingrich has suffered no repercussions in his campaign over his history of adultery, while growing allegations of an extramarital affair pushed their own champion out of the race.  Thus, Herman Cain supporters are now in favor of Ron Paul.
    Congressman Paul released an official statement regarding Cain’s campaign suspension: “Herman Cain brought energy and enthusiasm to the Republican nominating process, as well as a unique perspective on many domestic issues important to voters such as tax code reform and a pro-growth agenda favorable to the private sector.  In light of his suspension of campaign activities, I want to wish Herman success in his future endeavors.”
    From the point of view of a grass roots activist, it is fantastic to see how Cain and Paul supporters are connecting over social media to combine their strategies, talents, and efforts towards getting Ron Paul elected.  Such a union of forces will also prove to be exceptionally beneficial to Ron Paul in the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire primary election.

    Cain photo by Gage Skidmore. Ron Paul photo in the public domain.  Both obtained from Wikimedia Commons.

    [1] The Rise and Fall of Herman Cain. USA Today.
    [2] Now that Herman Cain has dropped out of the race my new candidate is Ron Paul.,1824.0.html
    [3] Welcome Former Herman Cain supporters!  Daily Paul.
    [4] Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy. Ron Paul campaign.
    [5] Which Mitt? Democratic National Committee.
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Ron Paul Statement on Herman Cain Campaign Suspension

    Mr. Cain brought energy, enthusiasm to process
    LAKE JACKSON, Texas – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul released the following statement concerning Herman Cain’s suspension of his campaign for the presidency.  Below please find brief comments fromC ongressman Paul:
    “Herman Cain brought energy and enthusiasm to the Republican nominating process, as well as a unique perspective on many domestic issues important to voters such as tax code reform and a pro-growth agenda favorable to the private sector.
    “In light of his suspension of campaign activities, I want to wish Herman success in his future endeavors.”
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Ron Paul Rejects Trump Iowa Debate

    Trump’s participation will contribute to circus-like atmosphere and is odd considering his slight to RPI
    ANKENY, Iowa – The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign released the following statement concerning the selection of Donald Trump as moderator for the December 27th Republican debate to be held in Iowa.  Below please find comments from Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton:
    “The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee rejects the selection of Donald Trump as moderator for the Republican presidential debate to be held on December 27th in Iowa.
    “We have conferred with our Iowa campaign chairman Drew Ivers and vice-chairmen David Fischer and A.J. Spiker who are all RPI State Central Committee Members, and they concur with this decision.
    “The selection of a reality television personality to host a presidential debate that voters nationwide will be watching is beneath the office of the Presidency and flies in the face of that office’s history and dignity.  Mr. Trump’s participation as moderator will distract from questions and answers concerning important issues such as the national economy, crushing federal government debt, the role of the federal government, foreign policy, and the like.  To be sure, Mr. Trump’s participation will contribute to an unwanted circus-like atmosphere.
    “Mr. Trump’s selection is also wildly inappropriate because of his record of toying with the serious decision of whether to compete for our nation’s highest office, a decision he appeared to make frivolously.  The short-lived elevation of Mr. Trump’s stature as a candidate put him on the radar of many organizations and we recall that last spring he was invited to keynote the Republican Party of Iowa’s annual Reagan Dinner, yet at the last minute he left RPI holding the bag by canceling.  In turn, RPI canceled its biggest fundraising gala of the year and suffered embarrassment and in addition RPI was required to engage in refunding measures.  Our candidate will not even consider participating in the late-December debate until Mr. Trump publicly apologizes to Iowa party leaders and rectifies in full the situation.
    "Therefore our candidate Ron Paul, the champion of the Constitution, has advised he will not attend.”
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